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Fae Etiquette

Updated: Apr 2, 2021

DO NOT LIE!As it is believed faeries cannot lie, they do not like being lied to but if you have to, twist your words to get them to believe you but Do not lie! I wouldn’t risk twisting your words too much because they are masters at this and can see right through, I would only attempt if you are very well spoken.

Always keep your promise! Promises are very sacred to the fae and hold a lot of power so if you break a promise, expect there to be some angry faerie cursing you.

Do not say SORRY! Again this admits being in deep debt to them.

Do not say THANK YOU! This admits that you are in debt to them and they will expect that you pay them back. Debts and contracts can get messy with the Fae, even dangerous.


theres some misconceptions about changelings and fairy food though.

i feel like changelings are human born faeries.

nothing more and nothing less. think on the level of starseeds and you get the idea.

eating the food of the fae is dangerous, but its not what youd expect.

some changelings of the unseelie fae variety like to put humans or other changelings in debt to them so they can control them and feed on their lifeforce.

in return you get to dream your life away.

their food is wholesome and delicious and gives a strong sense of security.

it makes you want more and binds you to the changeling.

i think theres a few other things i could add, but in general, be reverent. know the value of nature.

i dont know why fae despise iron other than disliking useless battles.

i know most fae to be incredibly peaceful.

crosses and other abrahamicy stuff just insults them to the point of leaving [or maybe something more]. the roman catholic church has screwed earth-revering cultures over on a global scale. look around. theres not a continent on earth where we havent been bullied specifically by roman catholics.

crusaders - witches

witch hunters - witches

south american conquistadors - aztecs/mayans

the UK - celts

australia - aborigines

china - tibetans

pilgrims and colonists and even modern day america - native americans and blacks

america again - forcing shintoists to become political or whatever and forcing them to be cooperative against their will

this is probably just naming a few..

the best i know of the roman catholics getting oppressed was by romans.

btw, romans favorite god was Mars, aka Ares, a god of war.

they dont speak for all pagans.

the rest is just abrahamics oppressing each other over which obnoxious branch of their religion is best.

im not totally anti-christian whatever.

i like gnostics. unitarians. some other branch i cant think of atm.

Fairies hate cheap clothing and misers.

fae dont like metals because they are the densest form of earth. [lol] its like a spiritual person vs a hard headed willfully ignorant skeptic.

dense = *stupid* or *ignorant*

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