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The Beast Swaying Charm

The Beast Swaying Charm This charm allows one to respectfully and rightly take for sorcerous use portions of the bodies of beasts that dwell on the surface of the land with us, or anywhere within it or above it. Like the Herb Swaying Charm, this charm allows for the collection of portions of feather, bone, hide, or any other part of a beast in such a way that the wandering soul of that entity is not offended by your taking. If you use that part thereafter in a sorcerous work, it will maintain its potency as your material ally. No sorcerously active person I know has any lack of animal parts; skulls, bones, and feathers abound within their homes and working places. This habit of collecting the parts of beasts is not limited to sorcerous types. Ordinary people, even very disconnected ordinary people, tend to thoughtlessly pick up impressive-looking animal parts, or intentionally collect them due to some strange collector's fascination. I see no mystery here. The language of the beast-body calls the human entity back to a time of earlier kinship at an unconscious level. The sorcerer or sorceress should not suffer unconsciousness on this point; they should be awake to the reality of what collecting the skulls or bones of beasts entails. As with any creature that has bones, the wandering soul is connected to the bones after death, so long as they are more or less intact, not burned to ash or degraded by advanced decay and desiccation. This is most true for the skull. To take the skull of a creature (or any bodily portion) into your home is to invite a kind of metaphysical disaster if you do not store and treat the parts well. For sorcerously active people, this Swaying Charm will allow them to give honor through direct communication with the wandering souls of the creatures whose parts they obtain. If a creature feels honored by your taking of its parts, your communication, and your treatment of its parts, it will be easy to persuade it to help you in any sorcerous working you perform utilizing those parts. The wandering souls of these animals can become allies of a specific kind, familiars of a type, merely by the presence of their bodily remains. Traditionally, certain animals are seen as metaphysically sympathetic to different kinds of workings. It's good if you have the parts of those animals near you when you work, so long as you've utilized this charm or some equivalent working to honor the creature's soul and treated those parts well. It's even better to incorporate those parts into the working if needful or possible. But any animal's wandering soul can help in any kind of work, if you have the kind of positive bond with it that this charm can help create. To treat the parts of animals well means to display or store them with dignity, to clean them and not allow them to be needlessly dirtied, and to never wield them in some undignified manner. It may also mean (at your discretion or desire) the practice of regularly "feeding" them or giving them offerings, which the Semoferas words of this charm can also facilitate. To feed them monthly, or twice a year, or yearly- that is up to your judgment and the degree of sorcerous activity you may subject them to. The charm below is written assuming that a person is using it upon discovering the remains of a creature, and as they are taking them into their possession for the first time. You should say the charm and give a gift to the remains before you remove them from nature where you found them. If you obtain the animal part or parts from another person, such as a merchant or a friend, you should do this Swaying Charm and give a gift as soon as you are in a good situation to do it. If you have had animal parts for a long time, and become aware of this charm and its deeper meaning now, don't feel shy about retroactively using it. In these matters, it's never too late to show respect. The wandering soul of the creature dwells in a timeless state, after all. It is not necessary to perform a Breaching Charm before this work. If you will be using this charm to feed the portions of a beast or beasts that you have in your possession, you can re-word it to reflect that. When feeding, you don't have to "beg no offence" or repeat the words indicating that you wish to take the portion. But you should praise the beast for its strength and friendship. When taking the remains of a beast from nature where they were found, the best offering is a part of yourself- some of your hair or blood. Honey, tobacco or some fragrant herb, or whole cream is also good. This charm should be spoken while being aware of bodily sensation and using one's senses fully to make connection with the portion of the creature you are swaying.

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Langume, Lamazirin, Leuagelayn, Lagri, Lanagala, Lematozim, Layfyalafyn. Be blessed and very strong, soul of you (name of beast) Who once bore this feather, who once bore this bone/these bones, Who once gazed from within this skull, etc. In the name of the White King of Spirits below, Gwyn, Great Grandfather to us both, I offer with reverence this gift to your soul's nourishment. I seek to take this (portion) of you here And wish your ancient soul no offense or any harm by my deed; Within this (portion) that once adorned your holy living body, I ask that you preserve the strength and virtue That you reveal in the world by your Fateful and comely shape. Let me have that strength as ally in my sorcerous works. As I receive this of you, so you receive of me gift and gratitude.

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