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The Stone Swaying Charm

The Stone Swaying Charm This charm allows for communication with the indwellers in stones or minerals. All stones that can be touched with the fingers, held in the hands, or admired with the eye are either indwelled by a spirit-person, or they once were. Like the bones of once-living creatures, stones might not be directly connected to an Indweller anymore, but still bear an indirect connection, a potential pathway to that indweller's perpetually-existing awareness. Ruth Holmes Whitehead writes in Stories from the Six Worlds, "Irving Hallowell once asked an old (Ojibway) man 'Are all the stones we see about us alive?' The old man reflected for a long while and then replied 'No. But some are.' How does one know which ones these are? One knows by the way they feel. The forest itself sings to darkness; and the stone holds a light he can feel in his palm." She then goes on to say "Stones are the bones of the earth; like the white powerful bones of animals, they are alive. They can be dangerous. They must be treated with respect." This charm should be spoken while in awareness of bodily sensation and using one's senses fully to make connection with the stone or mineral you are swaying. If you find a rock or stone that you wish- for whatever reason- to take possession of and utilize in future sorcerous works, it's best to sway it and give it a gift before you take it. It can also be used on stones or minerals that you already have in your possession, and perhaps have kept or used for a long time; it's never too late to give respect and honor. Like the Herb and Beast swaying charms, this charm utilizes a sequence of Semoferas words intended to bestow upon a man or woman the power to communicate with non-human beings- in this case elemental beings. Stones and minerals, belonging to the Earth, fall into this family. Sorcerous folk (just as frequently as any other folk) often pick up stones and rocks from places to keep as souvenirs and the like. With sorcerers, such activities can (and should) have a deeper dimension. We are dealing with persons or forces connected to persons, always. The Semoferas words here can also enable you to communicate with the spirits of stones you won't be taking back to your home: the spirits of boulders and even ancient standing stones. Approach that task with deep reverence and many offerings.

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Letamynyn Letaglogen Letafyryn Babaganarityn Letarimitim Letagelogrim Letafalazin. I honor your ancient being and ask that you be well-inclined to me, You who indwells this (name of stone or mineral, or just "creature of stone"). In the name of the Queen of the Great Earth, The Queen of the Wide Earth, The Queen of the Dark Earth, Gwynnevar, From whose body we have both sprung, I offer to you this gift for your company and strength. I seek to take you into the circle of my own dwelling, And hope that you will know peace by my deed. Come, I beg, and be ally to me, abiding alongside me and mine. I ask that you preserve the secret strengths and virtues That you reveal to this world by your Fateful shape, And help me when and where I may need it. As I receive this of you, so you receive of me gift and gratitude.

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